Is a statistical method that models the relationship between a dependent variable Y, the independent variables X ᵢ and a random term ε. This model can be expressed as:
Y = mx + n
m = [N*∑Xᵢ*Yᵢ+∑Xᵢ*∑Yᵢ]/[N*∑Yᵢ-(∑Xᵢ)^2]
n = [∑Yᵢ-x*∑Xᵢ]/N
R = [∑(Xᵢ-ẋ)*(yᵢ-ŷ)]/[N*σₓ*σᵧ]
Also is a predictive analysis, linear regression analysis is used to predict the value of a variable based on the value of another variable. And the variable you want to predict is called the dependent variable. With this, we can make a grafic with Y = mass, and X = radius. So, we can extract the radius using this tipe of operations. Remember, that we can resolve this type of linear regression with Rstudio, using logarithmics equations.
Finally, we can see a grafic similar to the imatge.
Here we can see my linear regression (made by Rstudio).