
How I Have Gotten My Results

Through DIP Planet Search, I have been able to take information about the planet. In that case, HATP-10 is 408 light years, in Perseus' constellation, and it was discovered in 2008. And the telescope we use for it's called Cecilia.
To take all this information, I have needed enter to DIY Tools, once you are there, you need to select what you want. It's free option. Then, following the steps, you are able to have the same information as me.
Some important information to known if for example:
Once we got all this information, we are able to study and do research about the star. First of all, we have to take data about the brightness The with this we can study if the change of the brightness is produce by a planet. We take notes about the radius and the mass of the planet, and then in scholar google we will see and compare our results.

My Results

After I have done all those graphics, I obtain that the brightness at -1.8 (night time), is 1.0877. The next step I have done is look the maximum relative brightness (1.1467) and the lowest one (1.0223).
It means that the ΔB is ~0.12, (ΔB= Max.B - Min.B)
Now, I use the 1rt form of How to Know the Radius, this has given me: 0.228 in Rsun, or 0.544 in Rjup
The next step I have done is go to the Perseus' constellation and try to find a planet with this condition. For this, I have searched in Google "Perseo|IAU", with this I have the localization. So I have gone to NASA Exoplanet Archive where I have been able to searche a planet with this Jupiter Radius and the exact coordinate.
One candidate that I have been able to find is HD 23596 b, that it's in 03h48m00.45s and 40.5307308º
The last one, maybe could be TOI-1685 b it's in 04h34m22.55s and 43.0370395º
Now with this, I have gone to Shcolar Google I found that TOI-1685 b orbites the M Dwarfs TOI-1634 and TOI-1685, so I sopose that this planet is not a sure one. The next one, HD 23596 b, in the article sais that found exoplanets with the mass bit higher of 2 Mjup, this is relacionated with the transit that I have studied before. So I will supose, that this transist maybe will be relacionated with this exoplanet
Even with all this data, and all the calculations that I have done, my result maybe is not the correct, or maybe yes. But we don't know it because the science is all about the hypothesis and not 100% sure conclusions. Only I will be sure about my study if I compare it.

Comparing My Results

So, if I compare my result with the comunity I can apreceate that I'm not far away of the correct solution. Many people have the same graphic as me and the in the compents put this like:
And if my graphic is quite similar, maybe my results are true.